From Adversity to Triumph

by Andrea H. Trinidad

Jane Agoncillo’s family acquiring their investment property

Micro-Enterprise Grants (MEGs) make it possible for adults with bleeding disorders to start a small business.  Since 2014, Save One Life has provided 301 micro- enterprise grants in 13 countries.

Andrea Trinidad, President of Hemophilia Advocates-Philippines, shared the success story of Jane, a micro-enterprise grant recipient from the Philippines.

Jane Agoncillo's life has been a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of community support. Diagnosed with moderate hemophilia herself, Jane found herself facing even greater challenges when both of her sons were diagnosed with severe hemophilia. Despite the hardships, she refused to be defined by her circumstances and instead became a beacon of hope for her family and her community.

As the chapter leader of the Hemophilia Advocates-Philippines (HAP) Bulacan Chapter, Jane has been instrumental in providing support and guidance to others facing similar struggles. Her leadership and advocacy have touched the lives of many, offering comfort and solidarity in the face of adversity.

However, like many families, the Agoncillo household was not spared from the economic impact of the pandemic. Jane's business faltered, and her husband lost his job, leaving them in a precarious financial situation. In their darkest hour, they turned to the Hemophilia Advocates-Philippines (HAP) network for support.

Through Save One Life's Micro-Enterprise Grant (MEG) program, Jane and her husband received a lifeline. With the grant, they were able to start a small sari-sari store and a computer repair shop, providing them with a source of income during uncertain times. Additionally, Jane's husband found employment with a Singapore-based company through the HAP network, further stabilizing their financial situation. Jane's resilience and determination did not stop there. During the pandemic, she seized the opportunity to enhance her skills and explore new avenues for employment. Through HAP's partnership with Virtualahan, Jane underwent training as a virtual assistant, opening doors to online job opportunities. Eventually, she secured a full-time position with an Australian company, further bolstering their income.

Jane in her store

With their business thriving and stable employment secured, the Agoncillo couple was able to invest in a condo unit, which they now rent out, providing yet another stream of income for their family. Through their hard work and the unwavering support of the HAP network, they were able to break free from the shackles of financial distress.

Jane's journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, community support, and the willingness to embrace change. Despite the odds stacked against her, she emerged stronger and more determined than ever, proving that with perseverance and the support of a caring community, anything is possible. Her story serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Originally Posted on: SAVE ONE LIFE'S WEBSITE

France Alviz