We Found Our Family - Jane Agoncillo's Story

For years, we had been looking for a support group. Early this year, we joined Hemophilia Advocates-Philippines (HAP) and suddenly, we found a family that is always here to guide us, teaching us and helping us. I can’t thank HAP and its volunteers enough for all they do and for giving us our life back. I truly believe they are God-sent.

I am Jane Agoncillo, with Hemophilia A moderate (factor level 3.9%). I am a mother of two sons with Hemophilia A severe.

Our journey with hemophilia has not been easy. We went through many different episodes and heartaches, we’ve been in many different hospitals and have sought the help of different organizations and politicians if only to be able to get treatment.

In January of this year, both of my son got sick — my youngest was accidentally hit by his classmate and my older one had a knee and elbow bleeding. They were both admitted in the hospital.

I sold everything just to provide for their factors. I felt weak. I faltered but God is really good. My sister-in-law searched in internet and saw Maam Laurie Kelley of Project SHARE. My sister-in-law emailed her and in turn, Maam Laurie introduced me to Ate Andrea Echavez, who immediately responded. They gave us factors and some advice.

Since then, they became my shoulder to lean on, they’ve become my family. We can count on them without hesitation, not only for the factors we need but most of all for the Hope and for understanding that despite of what’s happening we are blessed.

Yes we bleed. Yes we’re hurt. But we are a hemo warriors.  If things are already feeling hard why choose a miserable perspective to compound the despair?

It can be hard to stand in the pain but we need to keep our faith and hope because with God, nothing is impossible.

We have since been active in the organization. My older son can now self-infuse which he leaned from the Summer Camp held last April 22-23 in Batangas. It was a great and unforgettable experience.

BleedersNina Pangan