A Letter Born of A Life-threatening Bleed

Two of our members here in HAP Batangas-Mindoro Chapter suffered life-threatening bleeds.  In the early morning of June 14 2018, the mother Jaycle Bathan Andaya, a 16-year-old with Hemophilia A, informed us though our Facebook Group that her son complained of severe headache and was vomiting.  


We advised her to take her son immediately to the hospital.  Jaycle‘s attending Hematologist, Dr. Enriqueta P. Salvador, ordered to give him Factor VIII which our chapter immediately provided.  She suspected that Jaycle had a brain bleed. After series of tests including a CT scan, it was confirmed that indeed, Jaycle had brain bleed and needed more Factor VIII.


Jhastin James “Jaja” Perez Costelo, 14, also with Hemophilia A, was brought to a hospital in Calapan, Mindoro, showing the same symptoms as Jaycle. Their neighbor and fellow HAP member Rheena Bunquin informed us through messenger about Jaja’s condition and requested for Factor VIII.  


Factor request was granted right after confirmation of Jaja’s bleeding. Mindoro is an island across Batangas and it takes two hours to travel by boat and tricycle to reach Batangas City.  Rheena picked up the factors the following morning.  HAP main office also sent additional vials to sustain his treatment until he was pronounced out of danger.


Both Jaycle and Jhastin are home now and have fully recovered from the life-threatening bleeds. Thanks to the quick response and good judgement of our volunteers and leaders.  If it wasn’t for everyone’s immediate action, things could have gone much worst for our dear blood brothers.


On behalf of the Andaya and Costelo families, I’m sending this letter to thank our mother organization, Hemophilia Advocates-Philippines, and also our donor, Project SHARE for your generous support to the bleeding disorder community of this country.  May our dear Lord bless you abundantly in return.

Respectfully yours,

Henry T. Manalo

Chapter Leader

Hemophilia Advocate-Philippines Batangas-Mindoro

Advocacy, BleedersNina Pangan